Aaron, L., Kaplan, R.M., & Black, S.R. (2024). Parents’ clinical depression and children’s problem behaviors: A multi-level meta-analytic investigation. Journal of Affective Disorders, 367, 886-902.​
Black, S., Scalco, M., Mackin, D., Shirtcliff, E., & Klein, D. (2023). Longitudinal patterns of neuroendocrine coupling from middle childhood to early adolescence. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 153, 106266.
Fristad, M.A., Roley-Roberts, M.E., Black, S.R., Myers, N., & Arnold, L.E. (2021). Moody kids years later: Long-term outcomes of youth from the Omega-3 and Therapy (OATS) Studies. Journal of Affective Disorders, 281, 24-32.
Black, S. R., Evans, M. L., Aaron, L., Brabham, D. R., & Kaplan, R. M. (2021). Covariance between parent and child symptoms before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 46(10), 1182–1194.
Arnold, L.E., Van Meter, A., Fristad, M.A., Youngstrom, E.A., Birmaher, B.B., Findling, R.L., & Black, S.R. (2020). Development of bipolar disorder and other comorbidity in LAMS ADHD cases. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 61(2), 175-181.
Black, S.R., Seager, I., Meers, M.R., Arnold, L.E., Birmaher, B., Findling, R.L. … Fristad, M.A. (2020). Associations between parental psychopathology and sexual behavior in an outpatient psychiatric sample. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 49 (1), 50-59.
Hausman, E.M., Black, S.R., Bromet, E., Carlson, G., Danzig, A., Kotov, R., & Klein, D.N. (2020). Reciprocal effects of parent and child internalizing symptoms before and after a natural disaster. Journal of Family Psychology, 34(7), 836-845.
Kessel, E.M., Frost, A., Goldstein, B.L., Black, S.R., Dougherty, L.R., Carlson, G.A., & Klein, D.N (2020). Developmental pathways from preschool irritability to multifinality in early adolescence: The role of diurnal cortisol. Psychological Medicine, 1-9.
Black, S.R., Blampied, N.M., Arnold, L.E., & Fristad, M.A. (2019). Is evidence-based treatment helping my patient? Utilizing modified Brinley plots to measure clinical change. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 26(1), e12272.
Black, S.R., Fristad, M.A., Arnold, L.E., Birmaher, B., Findling, R.L., Youngstrom, E.A., & Horwitz, S.H. (2019). Factors influencing young adults’ use of outpatient mental health services. Evidence-Based Practice in Child & Adolescent Mental Health, 4(2), 113-121.
Black, S.R., Goldstein, B.L., & Klein, D.N. (2019). Parental depression moderates the relationships between cortisol, testosterone, and children’s symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, 251, 42-51.
Frost, A., Kessel, E., Black, S., Goldstein, B., Bernard, K., & Klein, D. (2019). Homotypic and heterotypic continuity of internalizing and externalizing symptoms from ages 3 to 12: The moderating role of diurnal cortisol. Development and Psychopathology, 31(2), 789-798.
Black, S.R., Lerner, M.D., Shirtcliff, E.A., & Klein, D.N. (2018). Patterns of neuroendocrine coupling in 9-year-old children: Effects of body mass index and life stress. Biological Psychology, 132, 252-259.
Meyer, A., Danielson, C.M., Danzig, A.P., Bhatia, V., Black, S.R., Bromet, E., … Klein, D.N. (2017). Neural biomarker and early temperament predict increased internalizing symptoms after a natural disaster. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 56(5), 410-416.
Kopala-Sibley, D.C., Kotov, R. Bromet, E.J., Carlson, G.A., Danzig, A.P., Black, S.R., & Klein, D.N. (2016). Personality diatheses and Hurricane Sandy: Effects on post-disaster depression. Psychological Medicine, 46(4), 865-875.
Salis, K.L., Bernard, K., Black, S.R., Dougherty, L.R., & Klein, D.N. (2016). Examining the concurrent and longitudinal relationship between diurnal cortisol rhythms and conduct problems during childhood. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 71, 147-154.
Black, S.R., & Klein, D.N. (2012). Early menarcheal age and risk for later depressive symptomatology: The role of childhood depressive symptoms. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41(9), 1142-1150.